Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More K Street for Main Street Not Buying Fred

This just in on NRO's Campaign Spot: rumors that the Arlington Group is turning against Fred Thompson and toward Mike Huckabee.

The Arlington Group, for those outside the Beltway, is a one-stop-shop for mobilizing Christian/conservative grassroots organizations for action on Capitol Hill. I've worked with some of their lobbyists - truly the "good guys" of K Street.

Update: Another unnamed individual reinforcing the bad self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm sick of seeing good people led by the nose by conventional wisdom. The Mary Matalin machine has such great judgment that we lay people must all follow her lead? Uh, who is her husband again?


Christian said...

I've read a lot of your comments dealing with the "self fulfilling prophecy" of Huckabee support.
"I won't support him until he has support". Self defeating nonsense!
Thanks for adding your blog to bloggers for Huckabee.
I think you might find this post on my blog interesting, it deals with the same topic.

Anonymous said...

This on Fred & Arlington Group

Dale Fitzpatrick
Massachusetts For Huckabee

The E.R. said...

whereas in September when you wrote this article on Fred - it was probably true - I fear that the ARlington Group may be headed in a different direction led by none other than Gary Bauer. Though he doesn't endorse anyone - he writes plenty of "hit-pieces" on the Huck, both publicly and privately. I have no doubts he's campaiging against Huckabee rather than let him win on his own merits which is where he stood in September with the "I won't support him unitl he has support" mentality. Now he has the support - and Gary flew the coop.

Welcome back to blogging. I just took a look at your Fred related postings to see your take on the man.

Tell your husband hello from me (I apologize on not being able to remember either of your names)