Wednesday, September 19, 2007

"Right-leaning" Media Gag on Huckabee?

Since I posted the Top-Tier Huckabee challenge, a lot of other bloggers have started initiatives to get better media coverage for Huckabee, particularly among "right-leaning" outlets such as National Review and certain Fox News and talk radio pundits. One Mom's blog is particularly helpful, linking to contact info for the media outlets and even providing suggested language for a letter.

It is truly shameful that the New York Times covered Huckabee's 63% win at the Value Voters Debate, while NRO completely ignored it (until it received complaints, and then it gave a buried dismissive mention). What is going on here?!

Could it be the Wall Street factor? Huckabee threatens them because he puts the middle class and poor first. He wants more good jobs to stay onshore, which improves the standard of living for average Joes but cuts into corporate profits. (At the same time, he's no class warrior, and spends several pages in "From Hope to Higher Ground" explaining why people who make a lot of money from hard work and risk should not be penalized for that, but should be lauded for the jobs they create.) And a flat tax on consumption scares Wall Street, because they want to be able to consume, consume, consume while hiding behind deferred compensation plans and tax benefits for capital gains. A consumption tax would favor savings (creating competition with them for provision of capital, while simultaneously lowering demand for luxury goods and McMansions) and give them no tax shelters for hiding - except cutting consumption, which is beyond the pale to Wall Street.

Any subscriber to the print National Review knows that they constantly operate in the red and have to take "donations" to survive (though they are not a tax-exempt organization). Perhaps their Wall Street benefactors have put a gag on them? And O'Reilly and Sean Hannity operate out of New York City as well -- is it their Wall Street friends or pressure from Rupert Murdoch?

Hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but that's my best shot at an explanation for why these media sources are ignoring as "irrelevant" a charismatic candidate who is in exactly the same position that Bill Clinton was 16 years ago.

Please prove me wrong by storming the editors' desks until they remove the gag! Head over to One Mom's blog for shortcuts.


Anonymous said...

Very nice analysis, I'm just a bit biased, but I think you’re dead on with your conspiracy theory. Huck has really exposed the Republican Party for being exactly what the left has accused them of being...a bunch of cold-hearted, greedy jerks. Of course, Huck would be no more welcome as a candidate in the Democratic Party.

Why is that? Because Huck, better than any presidential candidate ever, has embodied the slogan "what would Jesus do" if Jesus were in politics.

I'm interested in your top tier challenge and want to trigger the me+you+semp=$80 donation. I'm Team Huck member #10 and regularly pepper David Brody with pro-Huck/anti-other candidate e-mails. Brody did excerpt one of my e-mails and put it in a "mail bag" post on Fred Thompson awhile back. Do you want full length letters, or will brief "comments" be sufficient?

H. Lillian said...

Sure, any length counts, as long as you make the point to some news source with name recognition. And David Brody counts for that.

Great to hear you've done this! Please go ahead and send an email to so I can keep a record all in one place of challenge-finishers. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Could Dobson endorse Huckabee??

Please go read this and then go and voice your disapproval here.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee on The O'Reilly Factor?

The groundwork has been laid. Let's make it happen.

Spread the word.

Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs said...

I have information about the fundraiser in DC on my blog now. It's taking place just after noon. If you can make it, I'm going to be the tall goofy looking fellow!

Anonymous said...

I just donated another $20.08 Huck's campaign site.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

By the way, thank you for the $50 match/add on to my little ol $20.08! Also, thanks again for all you're doing for Huck.