Monday, January 21, 2008

I Have a Dream

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I support Mike Huckabee for President because he combines whole-pro-life convictions with an economic policy perspective that understands the power of free markets but subordinates them to the good of families, particularly those who are middle class or poor.

You may wonder why I care, particularly about the economic policy. After all, the present system treats me well. As a lawyer, I can easily afford a nice home and all the trappings of upper-middle class American life (even if I try to avoid living like it). I can also easily afford to save money and invest it. I make my money off of the status quo in Washington--interpreting inscrutably complex regulations and lobbying for incremental changes (or no changes) to law and regulations on behalf of big businesses. By demographic profile, I ought to be a Romney supporter. Why do I want to change a system that treats me so well?

Two reasons: First, my moral values command me to work to make sure that all human beings have the opportunity to live in dignity, including in an economic sense. When I was a child, my father did most of his work for Christian relief and mission organizations, so I learned from an early age about the economic deprivations that many others face, both in the third world and in certain places in America too. I learned that from those to whom much has been given, much will be expected. And as I've grown older I have had those values reinforced by reading the beautiful encyclicals of the Catholic Church about our obligations as individuals -- and through the power of the State -- to ensure material dignity for all persons.

Here is the second reason: Yep, that's a picture of the K Street Mole's daughter, taken just today. And in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the annual March for Life tomorrow...

I have a dream that my daughter will grow up or at least come of age in a society where every child is seen as the miraculous fruit of his or her parents' love (including the love of parents who sacrificially give their children life by choosing adoption), not an inconvenience to be eliminated for the poor or a luxury good to be produced in a test tube at a convenient time for the rich.

I have a dream that my daughter will not grow up in fear of a cataclysmic terrorist attack on our metropolitan area, the capital of our nation. (Not that any of the Republican candidates would not be strong on this point, but if the nominee is not a strong opponent against the Democratic nominee, the security of our city is a big concern.)

I have a dream that if my daughter wants to be a teacher like her daddy that she can pursue that dream and still be able to own a modest home and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

I have a dream that if my daughter marries, that she will have the option to stay home with her own children, even if her husband isn't a lawyer.

I have a dream that economic concerns will not consume my daughter and her peers as they enter adulthood; that they will feel free to pursue careers based on their talents and interests, not feeling compelled to strive for a mere handful of careers that are the only ones that will provide economic security.

I have a dream that society will not preach consumerism to my daughter; that her everyday influences inside and outside our home will show her that love of family and friends and God is far more valuable than accumulating treasures of earth that will rust and rot.

I have a dream that my daughter will have a better life than mine, not in terms of material goods, but a life rich with love, laughter, learning, and true meaning.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful post. And, congratulations!

Silent Souls for Huckabee
Domers for Huckabee


P.S. Please dump my prior post ... because of broken links.

oso diablo said...

nice post.

Anonymous said...

Lovely thoughts and a lovely little baby!