Friday, February 1, 2008

Some Political Levity for Super Bowl Sunday

Politics is often played like a sport, with die-hard rivalries and a winner-take-all attitude that sees no place for compromise. Many inside the Beltway forget that, unlike sports games, political actions have serious consequences for the everyday lives of people. Some even say Washington DC doesn't have any decent sports teams because politics is such a big sport here that it overwhelms the rest.

Well, the biggest sports event of the year is coming up on Sunday--not next Tuesday. Check out this great ad that is expected to be aired during the Super Bowl, reminding us all of the benefit of stepping back from the rivalries and treating each other as human beings.


James H said...

Great ad. By the way I hope you keep talking about Catholic SOcial Thought and how that relates to Economics and other things here in the USA. I really enjoyed those posts

Anonymous said...


First Huckabee says that God intervened in Iowa to deliver a victory for him. Now he says that Bain Capital (Mitt Romney is the former CEO) is the reason that Conservative talk radio is attacking him. His conspiracy theory is that Bain Capital owns Clear Channel (this is a lie!) and Clear Channel is controlling Sean Hannity. Bain Capital wants Romney to become president so Romney can pay back Bain Capital with more business. Here is the Kucinichesque quote:

“Some suggest that the fact that Bain Capital owns a major stake in Clear Channel and is on Sean's network, that maybe there's a correlation. I don't know.”

Conservative talk radio is not rallying behind Romney because he is the most Conservative contender. Rather, they are rallying behind him because the large evil corporations have given the on air talent an ultimatum: you either shill for Mitt Romney or you will be fired.

The evil large corporations are aligned against Huckabee; only God can save him now.

ML said...

Hi - I have enjoyed your posts and am waiting to read something about the upcoming Chesapeake primary. Where have you been?